Monday, February 18, 2008
Posted by: US
Time: 12:52 AM
Comments: 0
New Song New Hit !
New Song Superman!
Let's be Wonderwomen shall we? :D
okay lame i know at it's already 12.52 am
tsk, not setting good example whoops.

Sometimes jiaolian's words can be harsh and hurt us indirectly,
take it as a note for improvement not disencouragement!
LET'S SET OFF AND FLY! to where?
to where ever you want :D

alright then see you guys in school!

-Love Xiaofei :D

Friday, February 15, 2008
Posted by: US
Time: 12:07 AM
Comments: 0
After the tears it's time for smiles (:
Crying is okay, it's a form of releasing out frustration and unhappiness!
I have felt that before, it's no use of calling you to not blame yourself,
cause it's not what you can control! Time after time i've been rather disgrunted on myself.
Why did I deproved so much? I wasn't like that before, I guess all the good things
have to come to an end. However, I won't give up improving!

Sometimes I question myself, did I really improved?
Why must i have injuries?
Why must i commit mistakes?
Why can't i run faster, longer?
Why can't i jump higher?
Constantly we've been busy looking at what we're unsatisfied with,
we tend to neglect our positive points!
I have read some books recently ( I AM NOT A NERD! )
we need to balance both negative and positive thinkings.
And it really did worked!
Because recently I faced some problems of my own,
I used that skill to cope with it and I'm really feeling stronger mentally.

I'm like a nagging machine here -.-

We have to understand that the flaws in us is not permanent,
sometimes we can be on-off form.
It's okay to commit mistakes, it's okay to have commit it again but
it's never okay if you neglect it.
There's no trying in success, only when you do it you will gain it.
Let's cry it out we'll feel better (:
It's natural to cry over unsatisfied situation, but we can't cling on to it,
we MUST find a way to overcome it yeah (:

Hope you all enjoyed the cupcake! :D
made by Jocelyn Jiali and me!
to those who didn't receive, other events i make ok(:

Goodgame today, rest really well!
Must be mentally strong!

-XiaoFei :D

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