Sunday, September 20, 2009
Posted by: US
Time: 12:54 AM
Comments: 0
Just a short update.
With regards to Chalet, we're dealing with a bit of a problem.

16th to 18th Nov 09 was unsuitable because Prom for Sec4/5s are on the 20th Nov.
More over, someone stranger took the timeslot already.

Nov 30th to Dec 2nd was suitable because there's Unity Cup held on that week and I'm sure everyone would be drained.

Now the only alternative is to push it to December 09.

Really apologise sincerely if this delay sort of clashes with any of your plans or family trips.

Meanwhile we're trying to source for other Chalets that are of cheaper rates.
$500 per night is a little too much to take.

Thanks babes for being understanding and patient!

Anyway I know this is really late, but hope everything was smooth sailing for those who have had their N Levels!

Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya to Siti H, Wanah, Riana, Nana, Huda and all graduated seniors!

Happy Birthday to Shermaine too!

All the best for EOYs, N Levels, and O Levels.


Friday, September 4, 2009
Posted by: US
Time: 9:28 PM
Comments: 0
Blog's DEAD . Haha . Funeral coming :-P

Hellohello . It's been 2 weeks the blog's dead . Haha . But nevermind , SuperWanah is here to rescue ! Haha . LOL . Okay so I would post on the September trainings & maybe Chalet . Based on the information of what Janice told me , this are the information for holiday trainings .

September Training :

Time : 1 - 4 PM .

Thursday & Friday
Time : 12 - 3 PM .

There may be friendly on Friday , but not Ngee Ann . If no friendly , training will resume as pernormal .

For Chalet , the date is 17 - 19 November 2009 . Please bring $10 on Monday for Chalet & would be meeting somewhere for Janice to collect the money . She would remind all of you again via SMS .

Okay , that's what Janice told me . Hehe . Some editing , haha . LoL . Okay so both pics of B Div & C Div . Yea . Cute right ? Haha . Yea , we're meant to be cute . Haha . Ouh yah lastly , to the basketball girls who got nominated for CCAC , all the best okay ! Nana , can tell us the results first ? Hehe . Just kidding . Don't scold me . Hehe . Okay babes , till here . Take care , byebye !


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